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This years event was held at a new venue following the lack of availability at Weston Park. Event organiser Warner Lewis and his team found Apley Estate only a few miles down the road. After months of planning things got underway from the service park in the Wolverhampton University in Telford and then 40 miles of spectacular stages on Apley and Willy's Estates.


With approx. 65 cars entered, the event started from the University service park and headed for a full day of stages throughout Apley Estate. The short mid afternoon break held a popular drivers meet and greet at the fabulous farm shop and finished with a dusk stage. 


Dan Ellmore auto-plas 6R4 Metro

Dan Ellmore also had the wonderful 6R4 out on the stages until a late Sunday afternoon mechanical issue forced his retirement. Dan is also a Rallying History group member and a key figure of the festival planning team. Another a new venture Dan is running is 'Rallying is Life' an online merchandise company tailored towards Rallying and this was the main stage sponsor.     

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Classics on display 

Definitely a fan favourite was west country pair Steve (Arky) Harkness and Mark Watkins in the beautiful Belga MKII Escort. Throwing the car into every corner the lads had a great time entertaining the spectators.


Rallying in the blood, Steve is also known as Mr Pirelli and runs his motorsport tyre company, supplying tyres to all including the top WRC teams. Mark on the other hand is a rally driving instructor, part-time actor and all round top bloke. Mark also supports his son Kelan and his own rallying passion.    


Group B Audi's

Historic Rallying always has a strong entry list of Audi Quattro's and this years fans were treated to three of the best.  



Popular Audi driver and builder Andy Krinks had the S1 out and in true fashion kicked up the dirt and dust with the four wheel drive car taking full advantage of the loose surface. Also out in a similar S1 recreation was Phil Welton and Jon Shepard (pictured here on Apley estate). Phil is an Audi junkie for better work and following attendance at the last event he decided to enter for 2024.     



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Warner Lewis - Organiser 

Warner has rallying in his blood. From a young age he followed in his fathers footsteps and a long rallying journey from the 60's to the current day. Probably best known today for his Worcestershire based rally preparation services on Toyota Celica's and his two fingered salute from the car door! 


Warner prepares cars for clients, he also manages the Rallying History group and was the driving force in planning and running the Historic Rally event.  

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